Melt Magazine

Articles in Melt Magazine


Impact Of GST On Advertising Budgets

The levy of GST will have diverse impacts across sectors, and this could impact their ability to spend on advertising. We have attempted to list down, in this article, the impact of GST on the advertising budgets on some trades and subsequently a broad impact on the key economic sectors.


Burning Issues: The Great Unbundling Of Digital Video

Digital video is being unbundled into ad-supported and subscription supported content. In that on-going fission, lies opportunities for a new kind of marketing, that marries story-telling and computing.


Burning Issues: Does Your Brand Have A Voice?

The voice must be original, interesting and, above all, experimentative. If ever a torrential deluge of content has threatened to drown us, it’s now.


Burning Issues: Digital Media – New World, Old Rules

What in heaven is content? To some, it’s just an ad. To some, it’s a bespoke article written for a brand. To others, it’s a video that teaches you how to make an omelette. Brand managers are besieged by representatives from content companies, by invitations to content seminars — even by job offers from new, funded and struggling content outfits. The truth is, content is many things. In this issue’s Burning Issue, experts invested in the content business share their views on the content they understand best.


The Sharing Economy VS The Caring Economy

In the coming years, all content would translate to videos. This would mean staying open to the re-structuring of PR plans and opening the team to several other expertise simultaneously leaning to real situations that would eventually lead to sustainable topics.


Point Of View: The Challenges Of Being A CMO Today

We are seeing a new sort of consumer emerging of late. They are more ‘me centric’, and follow their passion into non-traditional jobs; ownership of assets is unimportant. They are active participants in the sharing economy. Loyalty is not a highly valued virtue. It is, in fact, a different value system altogether. Clearly, this means the traditional ways of looking at brands and brand positioning need to be revisited.


Dave Trott, “Advertising Isn’t Marketing Comms.”

One of the main problems with our business is language.People like to use long complicated words to describe simple things. This makes their job sound more impressive. Consequently, advertising isn’t called advertising anymore. Now it’s called ‘marketing comms’. Comms is short for communications.


Toilet Rolls – How Do We Impress Our Audience?

Toilet paper brands, which essentially have very few marketable qualities, are nailing their social media strategies. This just goes to show that no matter how mundane the product is, with the right strategy and content, any brand can find and impress an audience on social media.


Cinema Advertising In The Age of Multiplexes

While Indian brands still majorly relies on print and television advertising, some brands are heavily leaning towards cinema advertising. Cinema advertising has seen a considerable growth in recent years. One wonders what is driving the marketers to invest there.


Consumers Do Not See Themselves In Demographics

The moment we use the word ‘target’ we have already conditioned our system to think that there is someone outside an environment – the viewer looking at it – the object and trying to aim at it and doing something with it.