
Articles in E-commerce


Point Of View: Is Your Brand Doing Justice To Its Sermon?

What the world once trusted, it now doubts. The mainstream media has lost its monopoly on authority. Societal and economic fears are dominating the conversation, especially concerns about job loss, immigration restrictions, and the rapid pace of innovation. The chasm between views held by the elites and the mass population continues to widen.


Point Of View: ‘Born On The Web’ Brands Understand Customer Service

When everything is going well, no one notices. It is when things go wrong that reputations get built. One of my bosses, the founder of Direct Marketing, R Sridhar, published a booklet titled, ‘Life begins after the coupons come in.’ I think we can safely update it to ‘Brands get built when customer service kicks in.’


Impact Of GST On Advertising Budgets

The levy of GST will have diverse impacts across sectors, and this could impact their ability to spend on advertising. We have attempted to list down, in this article, the impact of GST on the advertising budgets on some trades and subsequently a broad impact on the key economic sectors.