
Melt TV | Episode 264 | How Can Corporates Drive Social Impact?

melt, May 28, 2024

The story of TVS Motor Company and its "Miss.Represent" campaign.

Melt talks campaigns and social impact with Aniruddha Haldar, the Senior Vice President of Marketing at TVS Motor Company and Ashish Tambe from FCB Kinnect.

Last month saw several brands espousing the cause of gender equality and TVS Motor Company was one of them. They took to digital media with “Miss.Represent” – a campaign released on World Equality Day, aimed at bridging the gender gap in the manufacturing workforce. Conceptualised by FCB Kinnect, the campaign aims to kickstart a long-term effort by the brand to address the issue.

We discuss how the whole idea happened, how social campaigns can benefit the brand, and what’s the long-term goal behind the campaign. Watch the full episode to know how Ashish Tambe sold this campaign idea in just one slide and why Aniruddha Haldar thinks this campaign can help girls to dream about having a career in STEM.

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