Harish Vasudevan

Articles by Harish Vasudevan


One Step At A Time

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?


Point Of View: ‘Born On The Web’ Brands Understand Customer Service

When everything is going well, no one notices. It is when things go wrong that reputations get built. One of my bosses, the founder of Direct Marketing, R Sridhar, published a booklet titled, ‘Life begins after the coupons come in.’ I think we can safely update it to ‘Brands get built when customer service kicks in.’


Point Of View: The Challenges Of Being A CMO Today

We are seeing a new sort of consumer emerging of late. They are more ‘me centric’, and follow their passion into non-traditional jobs; ownership of assets is unimportant. They are active participants in the sharing economy. Loyalty is not a highly valued virtue. It is, in fact, a different value system altogether. Clearly, this means the traditional ways of looking at brands and brand positioning need to be revisited.